Sport Pilot Project
Dare to Care is proven to provide thorough and relevant programming which can make an immediate impact at your sport organization. The program was first piloted by the University of Calgary Swim Club (USCS) in 2018 with over 1400 swimmers, parents and coaches participating.
After the Dare to Care pilot project, the University of Calgary Swim Club Safe Sport Officer went from spending 173 hours investigating reports of bullying and maltreatment in 2018 to 0 hours in 2019. This shows that Dare to Care creates a culture that is informed on issues of bullying and harassment, has mobilized a caring majority and is addressing issues early to avoid more serious situations down the road.
No one should ever feel alone, afraid or unwelcome in their sport community.

Would recommend Dare to Care to other sport organizations.
Reported that Dare to Care was helpful in improving their awareness, knowledge-level and skills related to bullying.
Indicated that Dare to Care brought about positive changes in themselves.
Feel that Dare to Care should be mandatory for all sport organizations.